

Micronaire is a fiber fineness and maturity metric. The air permeability of a constant quantity of cotton fibers crushed to a set volume is measured using an airflow meter. The chart below might help you interpret micronaire readings.

Environmental variables such as moisture, temperature, sunshine, plant nutrients, and extremes in plant or boll population can all have an effect on micronaire during the growth phase. Fiber fineness influences processing performance and end product quality in a variety of ways. Low-micronaire or fine-fiber cottons require slower processing rates throughout the opening, cleaning, and carding procedures to avoid fiber breakage. Finer fiber yarns feature more fibers per cross-section, resulting in stronger yarns. The dye absorption and retention are influenced by the maturity of the fibers; the greater the maturity, the better the absorbency and retention.

Upland cotton with micronaire of 3.8 (left) and 5.2 (right).

classification micronaire 3.8 - Classification of Upland Cotton