Fiber Length

Fiber Length

Fiber length is the average length of the longer half of the fibers (upperhalf mean length). It is reported in both 100ths and 32nds of an inch (see the conversion chart below). Fiber length is measured by passing a “beard” of parallel fibers through an optical sensing point. The beard is formed when fibers from a sample of cotton are automatically grasped by a clamp, then combed and brushed into parallel orientation.

Fiber length is largely influenced by variety, but the cotton plant’s exposure to extreme temperatures, water stress, or nutrient deficiencies may result in shorter fibers. Excessive cleaning or drying at the gin may also result in shorter fibers. 

Effect of fiber length on yarn
+ Spinning ability (the longer the fiber, the higher the spinning count)
+ Tenacity (the longer the fiber, the higher the yarn strength)

classification fiber length upland - Classification of Upland Cotton